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a postage scale or nutrition scale

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Q: Which is the best unit for measuring the weight of a cell phone?
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Which is the best unit for measuring the weight of a cell phone onces tons feet or quarts?

None of them. An ounce (not once) will measure its mass. To get weight you need ounce-weight.

What is the best unit for measuring a cell phone?

I would measure its length in inches, its weight in ounces, and its screen brightness in lumens.

What s the mass of a cell phone would best be measured in what metric units?

The mass of a cell phone would best be measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg). These units are commonly used for measuring relatively small objects like cell phones.

the best business cell phone?

what best business cell phone

What is the best cell phone 2012?

The best cell phone for you really depends on what you are going to use it for. I would go to your local cell phone store and ask them which cell phone is the best for your needs.

Where is the best cell phone shop online at?

The best cell phone shop can be found on phone review websites. According to the Cell Phone Review 2013, the best cell phone shops online are AT&T, Verizon and Sprint.

What is the average weight of a cell phone?

The average weight of a cell phone is 200grams - 800grams otherwise it's to heavy or light!

What unit of length is most suitable for measuring thickness of a cell phone?


How much does a cell phone weigh in grams?

The weight of a cell phone can vary depending on the model and brand, but on average, a cell phone weighs around 150-200 grams.

Where can one get the best cell phone rate?

You can get the best cell phone rate at the MyRatePlan website. Once on the page, you can find and compare cell phone plans and rates online in your area.

What is the best alltel cell phone?

The best Alltel phone is LG AX275

What are the best cell phone smart phone reviews?

Cell phone reviews, buying guides, and price comparisons on popular cell phones design, and multimedia features make it the best phone offered by Sprint.