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Dependent variable is usually speed.

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Q: Which is the dependent variable between average speed versus time?
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Why time is an independent variable and positition a dependent variable in a position versus time graph?

In a position versus time graph, time is typically considered the independent variable because it is controlled by the experimenter and is used to measure the dependent variable, which is position. The position of an object (dependent variable) changes over time (independent variable), and thus position is plotted against time to show how it varies based on the passage of time.

Explain Why is time an independent variable and position is a dependent variable in a position versus time graph?

Time is typically considered an independent variable because it is under the control of the experimenter and is used to measure the changes in the dependent variable, which is position in this case. Position, on the other hand, is dependent on time as it varies based on the specific time interval being measured. Position changes as time progresses, making it the dependent variable in this context.

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