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Prime numbers.

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Q: Which kind or numbers have the fewest rectangles and what kind of numbers are these?
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Which numbers can be represented by the fewest rectangles?

prime numbers

Which numbers have the most rectangle and what kind of numbers are these?

Composite numbers have the most rectangles. These numers are numbers that have factors other than their self or one

All rectangles are what kind of polygons?

All rectangles are quadrilaterals, and more specifically parallelograms.

How solve do generic rectangles?

add alll the numbers together

Is there a rectangle that is not a square what kind?

Most rectangles are not squares.

How can you place 15 coins inside six rectangles such that there are odd numbers of coins inside each rectangle?

Not if the rectangles are non-overlapping.

Which has the fewest factors?

The number one has one factor. Prime numbers have two.

How many different rectangles exist which have whole numbers as the length and width?

The set of whole numbers is infinite; hence, the number of rectangles that meet your specifications is infinite, as well. Are you sure you have the question right?

What Kind of shapes are 2D?

squares, rectangles, triangles, polygons...

How do you find rectangles using the prime numbers?

Prime numbers have one factor pair, hence one rectangle.

What kind of animal has the fewest muscles?

no you dumb idiot it's a snail or a worm or a caterpillar

Is a square the same as a rectangle?

Of course!=======================Honk ! The buzzer is bothered by the first answer above.A square is a special kind of rectangle.All squares are rectangles, but all rectangles are not squares.