Prime numbers.
All real numbers can be represented in the decimal system. Complex numbers can be represented by a pair of numbers in the decimal system.
Composite numbers have the most rectangles. These numers are numbers that have factors other than their self or one
There are 16 decimal numbers that can be represented by 4-bits.
Variables are represented as letters so they don't get confused with numbers.
Prime numbers.
With images of empty rectangles
add alll the numbers together
Not if the rectangles are non-overlapping.
The number one has one factor. Prime numbers have two.
All real numbers can be represented in the decimal system. Complex numbers can be represented by a pair of numbers in the decimal system.
The set of whole numbers is infinite; hence, the number of rectangles that meet your specifications is infinite, as well. Are you sure you have the question right?
Composite numbers have the most rectangles. These numers are numbers that have factors other than their self or one
When multiplying or dividing numbers, the result should have the same number of significant figures as the factor with the fewest significant figures. When adding or subtracting numbers, the result should have the same number of decimal places as the number with the fewest decimal places.
Prime numbers have one factor pair, hence one rectangle.
Metric numbers are represented using decimal places rather than fractions usually.
There are 16 decimal numbers that can be represented by 4-bits.