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Q: Which measures describe the variation in a data set?
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How can you describe variation in a set of data?

measures of variation

Which is an appropriate display to show the measures of variation for a data set?

There are a number of appropriate displays to show the measures of variation for a data set. Different graphs can be used for this purpose which may include histograms, stemplots, dotplots and boxplots among others.

What is used to describe a set of data where the measures cluster or concentrate at a point?

The answer depends on the type of distribution for the data. It could be the modal class.

How Do You describe the shape of a data set?

You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.

What is measure of variation?

A measure of variation, also called a measure of dispersion, is a type of measurement that details how a set of data is scattered from a central or neutral point of origin. Range, variance and standard deviation are three measures of variation that are commonly used.

Does mean median or mode best describe a data set?

Each of these measures of central tendency has its own advantages and disadvantages. Different measures are best in different circumstances.

Can Coefficient of variation of a set of data to be zero?

Yes, if there is no variation: all the data have to have the same value and that value must be non-zero.

How can you describe what is typical about the distribution of a set of data?

The answer will depend on the set of data!

How do you calculate coefficient of variation in spss?

The coefficient of variation is a method of measuring how spread out the values ​​in a data set are relative to the mean. It is calculated as follows: Coefficient of variation = σ / μ Where: σ = standard deviation of the data set μ = average of the data set If you want to know more about it, you can visit SilverLake Consulting which will help you calculate the coefficient of variation in spss.

Is it true that the standard deviation can equal zero in a data set?

The standard deviation is a measure of how much variation there is in a data set. It can be zero only if all the values are exactly the same - no variation.

Is it possible for a coefficient of variation to be negative?

Of course it is! If the mean of a set of data is negative, then the coefficient of variation will be negative.

What is a number that helps describe all of the data in a data set?

There is no single number. There are several different measures of central tendency - different ones are better in different circumstances. Then there are several measures of spread or dispersion, skewness and so on. All of these are characteristics of the data and they cannot all be summarised by a single number.