No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.21: each one will be smaller than 1.21
No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.02: each one will be smaller than 1.02
Use the definition of median: sort the numbers from smallest to largest, then choose the number in the middle.
The smallest of the three is 13.
The smallest of the three numbers is 22.
No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.21: each one will be smaller than 1.21
No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.02: each one will be smaller than 1.02
We aren't going to be able to answer this accurately if you don't tell us what the numbers are.
just go the reverse of how they are listed now they are currently largest to smallest
The smallest is 15.
The smallest is 14.
Use the definition of median: sort the numbers from smallest to largest, then choose the number in the middle.
The smallest multiple for the numbers 458 and 10 is 2,290.
The smallest of the three is 13.
The smallest of the three numbers is 22.
smallest to largest is 0.8 0.808 0.81 0.875