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The one in which the square of the biggest one is equal to

the sum of the squares of the other two is.

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Q: Which of the sets of numbers is a Pythagorean Triple?
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What are Pythagorean triples in 243541.2?

You seem to have squashed the numbers together but 4, 3 and 5 make up a Pythagorean triple.

How can you tell if three positive numbers form a Pythagorean triple?

The Pythagorean thereom is a^2+b^2=c^2. So, you can tell if they are a Pythagorean triple by seeing if the two smaller numbers squared equal the largest number squared. Example. Are 3,4, and 5 a Pythagorean triple? 3^2= 9. 4^2= 16. 5^2= 25. 9+16=25, so they are a triple.

Sets of Pythagorean triples?

3,4,5 1,2,3 these are sets of pythagorean triples

How do you tell if a group of numbers is a Pythagorean triple?

Square them and compare the largest answer with the sum of the other two.

Are multiples of triples Pythagorean Triples?

No, the multiple of any random triple is not a Pythagorean triple.

Is 10 14 17 considered a pythagorean triple?

Nearly but not quite a Pythagorean triple

Is 345 a Pythagorean triple?

If you mean 3, 4 and 5 then yes it is a Pythagorean triple

How do six eight and ten form a Pythagorean triple?

6, 8, and 10 is simply a scaled up version of a 3,4,5 triangle (simply double each side). Since 3,4,5 is a Pythagorean triple, so is the scaled up triangle. Alternatively, since 6, 8, and 10 are integers (whole numbers) that fulfill the Pythagorean theorem (62 + 82 = 102 ), they are a Pythagorean triple.

What is the name given to three whole numbers that can be the three sides of a right angled triangle?

Pythagorean triple

How are pythagorean triples different to other triads?

for numbers a,b, and c to be a pythagorean triple, they must obey the rule a^2+b^2=c^2. This is not true of 3 numbers picked at random of course.

How do you find a pythagorean triple?

There are infinitely many Pythagorean triples. To find a Pythagorean triple take two positive integers x, y with x > y. A Pythagorean triple is of the form x2 - y2, 2xy, x2 + y2.

Is 2 6 8 pythagorean theorem triples?

A "Pythagorean triple" is a set of 3 numbers that fits the Pythagorean Theorem.So your question is: "Do 2, 6, and 8 form a Pythagorean triple ?", and the answeris either 'yes' or 'no'.(2)2 = 4(6)2 = 364 + 36 = 40(8)2 = 6440 is not equal to 64.So the answer is "no".