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The radial velocity ie velocity towards or away from your starting point.

It is NOT the ordinary speed or velocity because you can run in a circle around your starting point at top speed but the distance will not change so the slope of the distance time graph will be zero.

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Q: Which physical quantity is calculated by the slope of distance time graph?
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What is the unit of a physical quantity which is represented by area under a velocity time graph?

the physical quantity is distance and unit is meters

What is the physical quantity measured under a speed time graph?

The physical quantity measured under a speed-time graph is acceleration. This is because acceleration is represented by the gradient of the graph, where a steeper gradient indicates a higher acceleration.

Can work done be calculated by the gradient force-distance graph?

no, work done is the area under a force-distance graph

Which physical quantity is measured by the area under velocity time graph?

The area under a velocity-time graph represents the displacement of an object over a given time interval. It is a measure of the distance traveled by the object in that time period.

Area under the velocity time graph line is 40 M. What physical quantity does this area represent?

It represent the distance covered is 40 metre.

Which physical quantity is given by slope of v-t graph?

The physical quantity given by the slope of a velocity-time graph is acceleration. This is because the slope represents the rate of change of velocity over time, which is how acceleration is defined (acceleration = change in velocity / time taken).

Can a position time graph be created from a velocity time graph?

Yes, a position-time graph can be created from a velocity-time graph by integrating the velocity values over time. By finding the area under the velocity-time curve, you can determine how the position of an object changes over time.

What is the quantity which is measured by the area occupied below the velocity - time graph?

Distance travelled (displacement). Distance = velocity/time, so velocity * time = distance. Likewise, x = dv/dt so the integral of velocity with respect to time (area under the graph) is x, the distance travelled.

What does the slope of a time vs distance graph equal?

The slope of a time vs distance graph represents the speed or velocity of an object. It is calculated as the change in distance divided by the change in time. A steeper slope indicates a greater speed.

Name the two physical quantities which can be obtained from the velocity-time graph?

Acceleration and displacement can be obtained from the velocity-time graph. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, which can be found as the slope of the velocity-time graph. Displacement can be determined by finding the area under the velocity-time graph, as it represents the distance traveled by an object.

What is a standard measure for a physcial quantity and is included in part of the X and Y axes labels on a line graph?

The standard measure for a physical quantity is called a unit. Units are typically included in the labels of the X and Y axes on a line graph to provide clarity and context to the data being presented. For example, common units include meters for distance, seconds for time, and kilograms for weight.

In a distance-time graph the slope of is the ratio of time to distance?

The slope of a distance-time graph represents the speed of an object. It is calculated as the ratio of the change in distance to the change in time. A steeper slope indicates a faster speed.