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Q: Which value of y will make the inequality y-1 false?
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It is false-apex

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False. -apex

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x1 + x2 / y1 +y2

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The distance between (x, y1) and (x, y2) is abs(y1 - y2) or |y1 - y2|.

The difference between undefined slope and zero slope is?

The slope of a line between Points 1 and 2 is defined as m = (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1) where coordinates for Point 1 is (X1,Y1) and Point 2 is (X2,Y2). So if the value of Y2-Y1 = 0 then the Slope is zero. If the value of X2 - X1 = zero then the equation is undetermined because you can't solve an equation with a 0 value in the denominator. or m = (Y2 - Y1) / 0

Is the slope of a line is found by multiplying the rise by the run?

No because the slope is: (y1-y2)/(x1-x2)

The distance between the points 2 y1 and 7 8 is 13 What is a possible value of y1?

You can use Pythagoras to solve this to get the co-ordinates. from Pythagoras we have a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For this a and b will be the x and y distance and c the distance between the 2 points so we get (7-2) ^2 + (8-y1)^2 = 13^2 So we need so solve this to get a correct solution which is (8-y1)^2 = 144 so 8 - y1 = + or - 12 so y1 = -4 or y1 = 20

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The change in the y-value over the x-value, the slope, m, (y1-y2)/(x1-x2).

What formula with functions can you enter to calculate the range of values in Y1 to Y10?

There are many calculations that could be done: =SUM(Y1:Y10) =AVERAGE(Y1:Y10) =MAX(Y1:Y10) =MIN(Y1:Y10) =COUNT(Y1:Y10)

What is 5x-y1?

5x-y1 = 4

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(Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1) Where Y2= second Y value (6) Y1= first Y value (5) same for X values (6-5)/(8-2)=1/6