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Q: Who are the Well known mathematicians of the world?
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How can Pythagoras became well known?

To school children in the Western world, Pythagoras is probably best known for Pythagoras theorem. However, apart from Eurocentrism, there is little to connect Pythagoras with the theorem since it was known to Mesopotemian, Chinese and Indian mathematicians for centuries before Pythagoras.

Who were some of the the first mathematicians?

One of the more famous early mathematicians was Archimedes, who was born in 287BC Greece. Archimedes contributed a lot to the development of calculus, and was well known for making machinery, such as the Archimedes screw, an early pump

How many mathematicians are there in the world?


Who are the five famous mathematicians in world?

"The" five mathematicians? There surely are much more than five.

Can all mathematicians do algebra well?

As mathematicians, I think they should all master the basic concepts of the subject.

Who invented the centimeter?

A committee composed of well-known French mathematicians devised the metric system with the meter as the basis. The centimeter is merely derived from the meter.

Who are the 3 maathematicians?

There are hundreds of famous mathematicians, but the three most famous/well-known mathematicians are arguably, Albert Einstein (famous for the equation for the speed of light), Isaac Newton (famous for discovering gravity), and Pythagoras of Samos (famous for the Pythagorean Theorem).

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What is maria agnesi famous for?

She published many books such as Analyticl Institutions and Propositiones Philosophicae. One of her most well known accomplishments is when she explained the equation of the curve, also known as the Witch of Agnesi. She was elected to the Bologna Academy of Sciences and was one of the first recognized female mathematicians of the Western World.

Did ancient Greece contributed to world history because it was a time of famous philosophers scientists and mathematicians?

Yes as well as the ventures of Alexandra the Great.

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Why did ancient mathematicians do not use their family names?

they wanted their family to be not known