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Statistics and the theory of probabilities have developed together. The list of contributers are very long. I have included in this summary a number of links, some provide the names and achievements of recent statisticians. The development of statistics in terms of new theory and application continues today at a vigorous pace, in part due to the growth of electronic computation and communications.

Statistics developed both within mathematical and scientific fields. Early development of statistics were done by Pierre de Fermet (1601-1665), Abraham DeMoivre (1667-1754), Roger Cotes (1682-1716), Rev. Thomas Bayes (1702-1761).

Later advances in probability and statistics were made by Carl Gauss (1777-1855), Adolphe Quetet (1796-1874) and Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827).

The formal recognition of statistics as independent discipline, and deserving of an independent department at an university was a major advance in statistics. The Department of Statistics was founded by Carl Pearson, in 1911 at University College London.

Some of the statisticians well recognized for their contributions in the 20th century are Jerzy Neyman, R.A Fisher, G.E.P. Box, C.P. Rao, J. Tukey and W. Deming.

Probability theory developed along with statistics. Pascal, Bernoulli and Markov are earlier mathematicians in the development of probability theory.

My apologies for not including others who have contributed (and many still are alive and contributing) to the development of statistics. I note that lists a number of books for sale on this subject. You can find much more information in the related links.

See related links.

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