

Who discovered number 2?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Who discovered number 2?
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Who discovered the number 12?

The number 12 was discovered by Walter Amish in 1433.

Who discovered the biggest prime number?

On Jan. 25, 2013, the largest known prime number, 2^57,885,161-1, was discovered on Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) volunteer Curtis Cooper's computer.

Who discovered odd number and even number?


Who discovered square number?


Who invented the irrational number set?

Probably the ancient Egyptians who discovered that the diagonal of a unit square was not a rational number. And then discovered other such numbers.

Related questions

Who discovered the number 12?

The number 12 was discovered by Walter Amish in 1433.

What year was the atomic number discovered?

ATOMIC NUMBER YEAR IN WHICH IT WAS DISCOVERED? it was discovered in 1913 by British physicist Henry Mosely

Who discovered the atomic-number?

The atomic number was not discovered, as such. It's only when scientists realised that there were such things as atoms and the weights of them varied that they put them into some sort of order. So the lightest (hydrogen) is atomic number 1 and the next (helium) is 2, and so on.

Who discovered element number 6?

Element number 6, carbon, was known since ancient times and does not have a single discoverer. However, Antoine Lavoisier is often credited with identifying carbon as an element in the late 18th century.

Who discovered the biggest prime number?

On Jan. 25, 2013, the largest known prime number, 2^57,885,161-1, was discovered on Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) volunteer Curtis Cooper's computer.

What is the largest prime number ever discovered?

2 multiplied by itself 57,885,161 times, less one.

Who discovered atomic number?

The concept of atomic number was proposed by Henry Moseley, a British physicist, in 1913. Moseley's research on X-ray spectra of elements led to the reorganization of the periodic table based on atomic number. His work established the modern understanding of the organization of elements by their atomic numbers.

Who created the number 2?

God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.

Who discovered odd number and even number?


How Was the Number E Discovered?

Euler's number, e, was discovered by Jacob Bernoulli when he was studying compound interest.

How many digits long is the newly discovered prime number?

The new prime number, 2 multiplied by itself 57,885,161times, less one, has 17,425,170 digits.

Where was comet wild 2 discovered?

it was discovered in zimmerwald