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The car on the left. The car on the right has to yield. Wrong section btw.

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Q: Who has the right away when the right lane is ending and two cars are side by side?
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Does car in left lane or right lane have right of way if sign says left lane ends and only one lane to drive on?

If the left lane is ending, and merging into the right lane, then the car already in the right lane has right of way.

When the left lane of a two way road merges with the right lane who has the right of way?

The lane which remains continuous has the right of way; therefore, if the left lane is merging into the right lane and is ending, then the vehicle already occupying the right lane has right of way.

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Yes, you must drive in the right lane if there are no vehicles in the right lane according to RSMo 304.015 charge code 4722705.0. The left lane is for passing only.

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The cars that made a wide right turn.

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the car that was in the bus stop of course...

What must you use when you are driving slower than other drivers on a multi-lane highway?

The far right lane. On multiple lane highways, the lanes are counted from the left to right -- the fast lane is #1. So if you are on a 4-lane drive in #4. This applies to The US and right-side drive road, left side driver cars

Can you pass on the right when on a three lane highway?

You can, but you shouldn't. Passing on the right is dangerous, and should be avoided, as it causes problems with cars merging into what should be a slower lane, while you are going faster than the normal traffic in that lane. If you wish to pass a car that is in the center lane, go on their left. If the car in the left lane is going slow, wait for them to merge to the right.

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The Diamond Lane is the carpool lane in California. The cars that are allowed in these lanes are White Clean Air and Green Clean Air vehicle sticker cars.

What lane do you drive in on a multi-lane city or street?

right lane

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Vehicles on the larger street have right of way.

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In a merge situation the right of way goes to the car occupying the lane into which other cars are merging?

the vehicle on the interstate has the right of way. The vehicle that is trying to merge onto the highway must yield to the traffic that is already there. It obviously depends on where you are and the local instructions there. What if you are turning onto a road in the right lane and the traffic in the left lane comes into the right lane and hits you. Who is at fault?