What is the value of the digit 3 in the number 13?
130, 260,390,520,650,780,910.1040. So the largest three digit number with factors of '5' & '13' is 910.
3 x 13 = 39
Calling it "17-digit number" is just fine.
What is the value of the digit 3 in the number 13?
The answer is 13.
130, 260,390,520,650,780,910.1040. So the largest three digit number with factors of '5' & '13' is 910.
3 x 13 = 39
You dial 00 1, followed by the three-digit area code and seven-digit subscriber number. Florida has 17 different area codes.
The highest four digit number with 13 and 7 as common factors is 9919, which is equal to 13 x 763 and 7 x 1417.
To solve this problem, we need to find a three-digit number ABC where A, B, and C are distinct digits from 0 to 9. Let's denote the two-digit number as XY, where X and Y are also distinct digits from 0 to 9. We are looking for a three-digit number where XY is a single-digit percentage of the three-digit number. For example, if we take 12 as the two-digit number XY, then the three-digit number ABC should be such that 12 is a single-digit percentage of ABC. This means 12 should be 1% of ABC. Therefore, the three-digit number that satisfies this condition is 1200.