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Q: Who studied geometry?
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Does all shapes have at least one line of symmetry?

No. Many shapes often studied in geometry do have one, though.No. Many shapes often studied in geometry do have one, though.No. Many shapes often studied in geometry do have one, though.No. Many shapes often studied in geometry do have one, though.

When was geometry invented?

Geometry was first studied in the 3rd century B.C. by Euclid.

What is the difference between angles of trigonometry and angles of geometry?

In geometry, angles are studied mostly in relation to each other. In Trigonometry, angles are studied in relation to side lengths and triangles.

What did René Descartes study?

He studies philosopy and mathhe studied math..more specifically he studied geometry and algebra.((:

What did Sophie Germain study?

She studied mostly mathematics and geometry and was inspired by all mathematicians ..... She studied other subjects as well but often she studied mathematics.

What did Euclid study?

he studied geometry an some types of elements and portions.

What is differential geometry?

It is a field of math that uses calculus, specifically, differential calc, to study geometry. Some of the commonly studied topics in differential geometry are the study of curves and surfaces in 3d

Who was the mathmitition created geometry?

Geometry has been studied in every civilization that we have written records of. In that sense, no mathematician can have created geometry. Euclid is generally recognized as having pioneered the use of the axiomatic method in mathematics. Of that work, his most famous is his work in geometry.

What is volume shape and weight studied in?

Volume, shape, and weight are studied in the field of geometry. Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, sizes, and the properties of space. It helps us understand how objects occupy space and interact with each other based on their dimensions.

What is the study of spheres and cylinders in math called?

Spheres and cylinders are studied in geometry. In fact there is a geometry that just deals with spheres called spherical geometry. Imagine living on a sphere ( you almost do) compared to living on a plane. Some geometric postulates must be modified for this.There is a geometry of living on the surface of a cylinder too.

Is it true that euclid showed that more complex geometry can described and proven deductivley from a fue simple principles?

yes , he studied studied under sai uday kiran of India when he came to India to pondicherry.

Who is the greek that started a school and studied geometry?

There are a multitude, but you are most likely looking for Pythagoras, or one of his more famous pupils Hippocrates