There is no recorded single discoverer of the value of pi. Although, it has been recorded that the Egyptians were aware of pi.
The ancient Babylonians from around 1700 BC used pi = 3.125. The name of the person who calculated that value was not recorded.
3.14159..... Thomas Jefferson he is a very smart person
In 499ce, he is in 23rd years old .he will find out the approximation of pi
the founder of the longest pi is...
The ancient Babylonians from around 1700 BC used pi = 3.125. The name of the person who calculated that value was not recorded.
3.14159..... Thomas Jefferson he is a very smart person
The first to find the value in pi were the Babylonians and Egyptians.
aryabhatta discovered it as 3.1416
The first person to use pi is the awesome man Archimedes he was the first to compute pi's value accurately! I know this answer and I'm in 5th grade!:)
The Egyptians in 2000 b.c.
Egyptians and Mesopotamians and babylonians
No, the value of pi was not first calculated by Budhayana. It is debated who the first person was to calculate it. However, it is believed that Archimedes was the first to calculate it using polygons, while Ptolemy was the first to assigned it its current value directly.
pi has been around for as long as we have had written records.Its approximate estimated value of Pi up to 5 decimal places is 3.14159 .Archimedes was the first person to estimate the correct value of pi
Archimedes of Syracuse is said to be the first mathematician to make a systematic attempt to estimate pi in the third century BC.