I believe that this is known as Charles's Law where V is volume, T is temperature and C is constant (pressure). It is a law explaining the relationship between the volume and temperature of gases.
The equation V over T equals C is known as the equation for the speed of light. It is derived from Einstein's theory of relativity, specifically from his postulate that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant for all observers. Therefore, the equation does not belong to any specific individual, but rather to the field of physics.
Boyle's Law
c= 120
it is the crossproducts property...right that down now...
10 over 14 is 71.4% equals about C-.
First, the word is there, not their. And, apart from you, who says there is no such law? because a*(b - c) = a*b - a*c and if that isn't the distributive property of multiplication over subtraction I don't know what is!
Boyle's Law
As A/B=C/D , So B=(A*D)/C
c = 0.5395
c equals b over 8
ax + by = cThe graph if that equation is a straight line whose slope is (-a/b)and whose y-intercept is (c/b).
C = -59
c= 120
A linear equation ?
it is the crossproducts property...right that down now...
This is most commonly known as the transitive property or the law of syllogism postulateif you got A and it is the same as B, and B is C, then A is C a--->bb--->cJust remove the bsoa--->cBasically, the answer is yes.