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Q: Why are constants different from independent variables?
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How are constant variables different from independent variables?

Constants stays the same independent variables is the variable that is being manipulated

What are constants and how are they are different from variables?

Variables change, constants do not.

How are difference from independent variables?

Constants stays the same independent variables is the variable that is being manipulated

Variables that remain unchanged throughout an experiment are called?

Independent and Dependent Variables

What are constants and how they are different from variables?

Constants are fixed numbers that never change, they always stay the same. Variables are number that can change, they 'Vary'.

What variables do not change during an experiment?

Constants, also known as control variables, do not change during an experiment. These variables are kept consistent to ensure that the only factor being tested is the independent variable. Examples of constants include temperature, pressure, and time.

How are constants and variables different?

Constants are values that remain constant and cannot be changed once they are assigned a value. Variables, on the other hand, can have different values assigned to them and their value can be changed throughout the program. Constants provide a fixed value, while variables provide flexibility and allow for changes in value.

No of independent elastic constants required for isotropic material?

There are two independent elastic constants required for an isotropic material: Young's modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio (υ). These constants describe the material's response to mechanical deformation in different directions.

What are the values that are used in a function?

There are several possibilities. They can be called arguments and there are two kinds, variables and constants. Variables can have different values and constants are always the same.

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What Variables that do not change during?

Constants or control variables are kept constant during an experiment to isolate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. These variables do not change in order to ensure that any observed changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable and not influenced by other factors.

When you write programs you work with data in three different forms?

Variables, Literals, and Named constants.