Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
For starters decimals and fractions are the same thing just wrote diffrently.Decimals will be used in your everyday lives just by going to the store.Such as if you had $1.49 and you wanted to by a bag of chips that costs $1.69,you need to know how much more money you need. For fractions it is almost the same thing but just alittle different.Fractions can be used as easily as inviting guests over for pie.You have 2 pies and 6 people,so divide 6 by 2 and you get 3,so each pie gets cut into 3 pices.So if you see we use decimals and fractions everyday.
Everybody has 10 fingers. Since That is true our own numbering is based on multiples of 10 which is called a decimal.
Money in a library distance
Decimals are used when you are displaying a stop watch and time. Decimals are used you are counting money. They are used when gas stations display gas prices. They are used on receipts for purchases. They are also used when you are telling someone's weight.
Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
while calculating on a calculator !
Virtualization can be used many different ways in everyday life. Those who use hypothetical situations in their work would use this everyday.
For starters decimals and fractions are the same thing just wrote diffrently.Decimals will be used in your everyday lives just by going to the store.Such as if you had $1.49 and you wanted to by a bag of chips that costs $1.69,you need to know how much more money you need. For fractions it is almost the same thing but just alittle different.Fractions can be used as easily as inviting guests over for pie.You have 2 pies and 6 people,so divide 6 by 2 and you get 3,so each pie gets cut into 3 pices.So if you see we use decimals and fractions everyday.
Everybody has 10 fingers. Since That is true our own numbering is based on multiples of 10 which is called a decimal.