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its simple; nobody wants to work with someone that isn't going to get along with their peers or even customers. Organizations wants team work. I hope this helps

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Q: Why are employee attitudes and employee behavior important to an organization?
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Human behavior in organizations refers to how individuals and groups act and interact within a work environment. It encompasses the study of employee attitudes, motivations, perceptions, and actions, as well as how these factors influence productivity, communication, and overall organizational effectiveness. Understanding human behavior in organizations is important for managers to effectively lead and manage their teams.

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Because without the employee there would be no buisness

WHAT IS Employee'S Behavior?

An employee's behavior refers to their actions, reactions, and conduct in the workplace. It encompasses how they interact with colleagues, react to challenges, follow company policies, and represent the organization's values. Good employee behavior is characterized by professionalism, teamwork, respect, and integrity.

How can you manage a work?

by seeing the situation of each employee in the company for example so we should see and discuss what the employee needs and wants in organization behavior ,,,

Why is goal congruence important to an organization?

so that both the employee and the organization could work efficiently and effectively

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Some major determinants of organizational behavior include leadership style, organizational culture, communication practices, group dynamics, and the organizational structure. These elements can influence employee attitudes, motivation, job satisfaction, and overall performance within an organization.

Why is organization behaviors important to study in business administration?

Studying organizational behavior is important in business administration because it helps understand how individuals, groups, and structures within an organization operate together. It provides insights into employee behavior, motivation, communication, leadership styles, and decision-making processes, which are crucial for effective management and creating a positive work environment. By studying organizational behavior, managers can make informed decisions to improve productivity, teamwork, and organizational performance.

Institutionalize ethics in the organization?

Institutionalization of ethics is a vital task in any organization. It protects the organization from illegal and unethical behavior. It also protects the rights of the human resource i-e employer and employee.