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so that both the employee and the organization could work efficiently and effectively

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Q: Why is goal congruence important to an organization?
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What is goal congruence and how can it be achieved?

this focusing on achieving the objecting of the organization

How would you describe goal congruence in a business setting?

Goal congruence occurs when the goals of the employees and the goals of the company become intertwined and meshed together.

What is goal congruency?

The term goal congruence is applied to an organization to insure that all its operations and activities are set up in support of the organization's goals. This means that the organization will review all its operations and activities to insure that none of them (those operations and activities) work in a way that limits or inhibits the organization's ability to reach its goals, whatever they may be.

Factors affecting goal congruence?

factor affecting goal congruence as follows: 1. organizational effectiveness 2. productivity 3. organizational leadership 4. morale 5. organizational efficiency 6. organizational stability 7. organizational reputation --Harnish patel

Is congruence an adverb or adjective?

Congruence is a Noun.

What is the goal of the Tash advocacy organization?

The goal of the Tash advocacy organization is to create and make known their actions in the legal field. They try to complete various tasks for their goal.

What is the mission of the Club Book organization?

The club book organization is an organization that's goal is to try and supply local schools and libraries with books. The target goal is to be able to make books available for children and to get them to enjoy reading.

What is reflexive symmetric and transitive properties of Congruence?

Congruence is basically the same as equality, just in a different form. Reflexive Property of Congruence: AB =~ AB Symmetric Property of Congruence: angle P =~ angle Q, then angle Q =~ angle P Transitive Property of Congruence: If A =~ B and B =~ C, then A =~ C

If two figures are congruent then they are similar?

Yes. Congruence implies similarity. Though similarity is not enough for congruence.

Angle-angle-angle guarantees congruence between two triangles?

No it doesn't. It guarantees similarity, but not congruence.

Is a ASA triangle similarity postulate?

Since ASA is a congruence postulate and congruence implies similarity, then the answer is : yes.

What is a catchy name for an organization whose goal is to save dolphins?

'Flippers' ,