Because many of them are divisible by smaller odd numbers. For example 35 is divisible by 5 and so 35 cannot be a prime number.
Yes, all prime numbers are greater than one.
There are no prime numbers greater than 10 that add up to 29. Since all prime numbers greater than 2 are odd numbers, no two prime numbers greater than 2 can have an even number for their sum.
It is not true that all numbers greater than two are prime numbers. It is true that all numbers greater than two that can only be evenly divided by the numbers, 'one' and their own value are prime. Example, 7 is larger than 2 and con only be evenly divided by 1 and by 7. So 7 is a prime number.
All numbers greater than 2 are composites, not prime numbers.
All prime numbers except 2, 3 and 5 are greater than 6.
Yes, all prime numbers are greater than one.
There are no prime numbers greater than 10 that add up to 29. Since all prime numbers greater than 2 are odd numbers, no two prime numbers greater than 2 can have an even number for their sum.
No. All even numbers greater than 2 are not prime numbers.
It is not true that all numbers greater than two are prime numbers. It is true that all numbers greater than two that can only be evenly divided by the numbers, 'one' and their own value are prime. Example, 7 is larger than 2 and con only be evenly divided by 1 and by 7. So 7 is a prime number.
All numbers greater than 2 are composites, not prime numbers.
All prime numbers except 2, 3 and 5 are greater than 6.
41 43 47 are all prime numbers
No. None of them are.
All numbers greater than one are positive integers that are either composite or prime numbers.
No, says the number 9.
No, 714 is not prime. Like all even numbers greater than two, it is composite.