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Q: Why are so many system grouped in the 30000 coding group?
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What do you call a group of mountains that are grouped together as a system?

A group of mountains that are grouped together as a system is called a mountain range.

Which term refers to a group of mountains that are grouped together as a system?

A range refers to a group of mountains that are grouped together as a system.

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How are the planets of the solar system grouped?

U can group the planets by size,weight and amount of moons

Describe a classification system that you would use to group various pets?

You could use a classification system based on the type of animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Within each group, you can further categorize based on characteristics like size, diet, habitat, and behavior to create subgroups for more specific classification. This system allows for a structured way to group pets based on their biological traits and can help in understanding their care needs.

What planet group is the planet Venus in?

Venus is a planet in the Solar system group of planets. Within the Solar system, Venus is grouped with the Inner planets, also called the rocky or terrestrial planets.

What is the group is the golden retriever in?

They are grouped in the Sporting Group

How are the planet of are solar system often grouped?

Most people group them to what the are primarily made of, e.g Gas such as jupitar..etc

What is the past participle of group?

Grouped is the past participle of group.

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what is group similar objects

How are wrestlers group?

they are grouped by weight