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To breath by extracting oxygen from the water.

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Q: Why do fish use 15 percent of their energy to move water over its gills?
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Does gill lamellae use energy to separate oxygen from water?

Oxygen that is dissolved in the water crossed ghe gill menbrane by diffusion. The oxygen is dissolved in the water like carbon dioxide in a beer. This oxygen is not a part of the water molecule. The oxygen in the water molecule is not available to the fish, when dosolved oxygen gets low, yhou have a fish kill.

Why do gills have a large surface area and are rich in blood?

because in many organisms like fish etc it is an organ for respiration the gills are supplied with capillaries so that the oxygen absorbed can diffuse into the blood it has large surface area so that more oxygen can be diffused in and more co2 can be removed

Two of water might fill a fish bowl?

Two litres of water might fill a fish bowl.

What are the costs of hydroelectric energy?

Hydroelectric power has been touted as the 'environmentally clean, renewable source of power.' This is subject to debate, as hydroelectric dams use turbines to generate electricity, and these turbines are spun by shafts which have blades on them. Fish which get caught in the high-pressure streams of water directed at the turbine blades usually do not survive the encounter with the blades. Also, the impoundments, or lakes, behind hydroelectric dams slow the speed of the river so much that many young fish do not survive the long swim to the ocean, where food is plentiful in comparison to rivers. Of course, dams present a complete barrior to upstream migration, unless fish ladders are in place, and even fish ladders are not 100 percent effective, as many fish are unable to locate the ladders. Salmon populations upstream of Grand Coulee Dam, which does not have fish ladders, disappeared, except for the freshwater varieties.

How much oxygen is in the sea?

Much less than the approximate 21% in the air. Perhaps half that. Fish need a large energy expenditure to strain oxygen from the water. Most of the oxygen produced by phytoplankton, for instance, is vented into the atmosphere.

Related questions

What do fish breathe with?

Fish have gills, as they swim water passes over the gills and extract oxygen from the water.

A mammal uses only 1 to 2 percent of its energy in ventilation while a fish must spend about 15 percent of its energy to move water over its gills Explain this huge difference?

This difference in energy expenditure is due to the different ways in which mammals and fish extract oxygen from their environment. Mammals have more efficient respiratory systems, allowing them to extract more oxygen per breath compared to fish, which require continuous movement of water over their gills to extract oxygen. The process of pumping water over gills is more energetically demanding, leading to the higher energy expenditure in fish.

Were do fish get there air from?

Fish pass water over their 'gills' the gills extract oxygen from the water.

What does gills help fish do?

Fish use gills to extract oxygen from the water passing over the gills.

Fish can extract oxygen from water using what?

Fish have lamellae in their gills. As the water flows through the gills and over the lamellae, the oxygen is extracted from the water.

What does the fish breath with?

Fish breathe using their gills. Gills are respiratory organs that extract oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide. Water passes through the fish's mouth and flows over the gills, allowing the fish to absorb oxygen from the water.

Do salt water crocodiles have gills?

No, only fish have gills.

How do fish breath under water with their gills?

gills and brain

Do fish need to breahe under water?

Fish process the oxygen in the water through their gills. They suck in water and as they push the water out of their gills, the gills retain the air. This is why fish tank require pumps; to circulate the water and create oxygen.

What is drawn fish?

A "drawn fish" can refer to a fish that has been sketched or illustrated by an artist. It can also refer to a fish that has been caught with a hook and line, as in the phrase "a drawn fish is soon caught."

Why are fish gills not suitable for air ventilation?

Fish gills are not suitable for air ventilation because, gills cannot function without water flowing through them. Gills are especially evolved and are an adaption of fish to breath under water.

How do fish absorb oxygen from water?

Fish can absorb water by the gills