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Q: Why do protein have 2 absorbance peak at 280 nm?
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Which pair of amino acid will have the highest absorbance at 280 nm?

Aromatic amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine will have the highest absorbance at 280 nm due to their aromatic ring structures. These amino acids have strong UV absorbance properties and are commonly used in protein quantification assays due to their unique spectral properties at 280 nm.

Why does protein have an absorbance peak at 280nm?

Proteins have aromatic amino acids like tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine that absorb light at 280nm due to their aromatic rings. This absorbance peak at 280nm can be used to quantify the protein concentration in a sample, known as the A280 method.

What wavelength is the peak absorbance for cobalt chloride?

The peak absorbance for cobalt chloride typically occurs around 550-600 nm.

Why absorbance should be taken in 750 nm in lowrys method?

Absorbance at 750 nm in Lowry's method is used because it corresponds to the peak absorbance of the copper-tyrosine complex formed during the reaction, ensuring accurate measurement of the protein concentration. This wavelength specifically targets the color change associated with the biuret reaction, enhancing the sensitivity and specificity of the assay.

Why is the total protein are measured at 595 nm in the Bio-Rad assay?

The Bio-Rad protein assay measures the total protein content in a sample at 595 nm because this wavelength corresponds to the absorption peak of protein-bound Coomassie Brilliant Blue dye. When proteins are present in the sample, they bind to the dye, causing a shift in absorbance at 595 nm, which is used to accurately quantify the protein concentration.

What wavelength is the peak absorbance of cobalt chloride?

The peak absorbance of cobalt chloride typically occurs at a wavelength around 550-600 nm. This range falls within the green to yellow-green region of the visible spectrum, where cobalt chloride absorbs light most strongly.

Why is the wavelength 275 nm used to measure absorbance of caffeine?

The wavelength of 275 nm is used to measure absorbance of caffeine because it corresponds to the maximum absorbance peak for caffeine. By using a wavelength where caffeine absorbs strongly, we can accurately measure its concentration in a sample based on the amount of light absorbed at 275 nm.

What is molar extinction coefficient of bsa?

The molar extinction coefficient of BSA (bovine serum albumin) is approximately 43,824 M^(-1)cm^(-1) at a wavelength of 280 nm. This value is commonly used to quantify the concentration of BSA in a solution based on its absorbance at 280 nm.

What is the specific absorbance of hypericin?

Hypericin salts are red in organic solvents and show a typical absorbance at 590 nm, which is useful to quantify hypericin in the drug extracts

What is the maximum absorbance for beta-carotene?

The maximum absorbance for beta-carotene is around 450-480 nm. This range corresponds to the absorption of light in the visible spectrum by beta-carotene molecules.

What is the absorbance value for thymol?

thymol blue 436, 545 and 595 nm

What is the absorbance value for tartrazine?

The absorbance value for tartrazine will depend on the specific wavelength at which it is measured. Tartrazine typically absorbs light most strongly in the visible spectrum, around 425-430 nm. To determine the exact absorbance value, you would need to measure the absorbance of a known concentration of tartrazine at this wavelength using a spectrophotometer.