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Q: Why do the twenty-six men surround and abuse Tanya?
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What is the statistic of women who abuse men?

There are no true statistics of women who abuse men because decent men who know they shouldn't hita woman or be verbally abusive back to their spouse do not report abuse as often as women for fear that they will be labeled as being weak. Men don't talk to other male friends about being abused as most men think they should be able to handle a woman. Easier said than done!

Which of the following disorders is more common among men than women?

Muscle Dysmorphia, Anorexia Athletica, and Steriod Abuse affect more men than women. Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD) can affect men and women equally.

What are the statistics for abused men?

It's only been in the past few years that the battered male syndrome has gotten serious attention. The latest percentage of battered men was placed at approximately 36% or roughly 835,000 of the 2.3 million abuse cases reported yearly. Researchers believe that those figures are far from accurate for the obvious reason that most men are very reluctant to admit they have been victims of abuse. See related link Annette's Story

Why does it pain when women kick men in groin?

when anything that is a hit to a men groin is because it is a sensitive place for males ( im guessing you're still young) if u r a guy then you will know when the time is right if you're a girl don't abuse this power

Does anyone have statistics on the number of women abused VS the number of men abused?

It depends where you live. I live in Canada and volunteer for the Abused Women's Centre. There are far more women abused than men, but, there are men also that are abused. Men are more often unwilling to come forward on abuse issues directed at them because they fear no one will believe them, well here it is as clear as can be: If a man is brought up by his parents that it's not alright to hit a woman, and he marries a woman who can be on the violent side, then even if she strikes him or throws herself at him in fight, he will back off. I have seen men who have been physically bruised, broken bones and teeth missing not to mention black eyes. Is he chicken? Not at all. He only did one wrong thing ... get out! I am happy to say that there are groups for battered men as well as battered women. Still, women take the worst of it all and there are by far more abused women and children out there. Statistics change drastically from day to day.

Related questions

Who abuse more?

It depends on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse tends to be women a bit more than men and physical is definiately men more than women. It depends on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse tends to be women a bit more than men and physical is definiately men more than women.

Why don't men go through abuse?

because who is their to abuse them.

Who abuse more children - men or?

It would depend on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse may in fact be women, but physical and sexual would most certainly be men.

Who abuse more children - men or women?

It would depend on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse may in fact be women, but physical and sexual would most certainly be men.

Is it ok for women to hit men?

Most definitely not. Abuse is abuse, in all forms.

What was the effect of the violence against women act?

The act increased federal resources for the prosecution of men who abuse women.

Who is most likely to develope an alcohol abuse or dependence problem men or women?

both men and women have the same percentage for alcohol abuse, but men have a high percentage of using illicit drugs

Are men who grow up with fathers who abuse their mothers more likely to abuse their women or wife?

Unfortuantley that is true. However ther are many men who had abusive fathers who have never touch their wife in anger. Likewise there are men who were never hit by their father who do abuse their wife.

Will men continue to abuse?


Why are men rude to the girl they like?

Well, one(humorous, sort of.): women have periods and they get mad, so we have a way to get back at them. Second (real) Testosterone makes men get angry easily but also, it is a stereotype that all men are cruel. Most men are nice, but those other asses give us a bad name.

Why do men not report abuse from girlfriends?

Because they learn to deal with it

What are the release dates for The Oprah Winfrey Show - 1986 Why Men Abuse Women?

The Oprah Winfrey Show - 1986 Why Men Abuse Women was released on: USA: 19 March 2009