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Q: Why do two numbers are compared by the process of division this is called a?
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When two numbers are compared by the process of division this is called a?


What is it called when two numbers are compared by the process of division?

You may be thinking of the term, "Ratio".

Based on a definition presented in your textbook when two numbers are compared by the process of division this is called a?

A. ratio This answer is by Blueguy44

When to numbers are compared by the process of division this is called?

If i understand what you are trying to ask correctly, it would be:The quotient of (whatever the numbers happen to be, or a letter if it's a variable)

The result of division is called?

Division is a function of mathematics. The result of this process is finding the product of division. This is the factor that connects two numbers.

Based on a definition presented in you texbook when two numbers are campared by the process of division this is called?


What is the process of combining two numbers called?

Depending on the process you use to combine them, it could be called addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, averaging, exponentiation, etc.

What is a number left over called?

Your question isn't fully clear, but if you are referring to the process of division of numbers, the "number left over" is called a remainder.

What do you call the numbers in a division problem?

The numbers in a division problem are called dividend, divisor, and quotient.

Extreme numbers compared to the rest of the data are called?

Extreme numbers in the data as compared the the rest of the data are called OUTLIERS.

What is the process of cytoplasmic division called?


What are the answers called when numbers are divided?

The answers of division are called quotients.