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Q: What is the process of changing a fraction to a decimal called?
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What is it called when you do fraction to decimal to percent?

The process of converting a fraction to a decimal and then to a percent is called fractional to decimal to percent conversion.

What is The decimal form of a fraction is called?

It is called a decimal fraction.

What is a fraction written using a decimal point called?

It is called a [decimal] fraction.

How did the decimal get its name?

A decimal fraction is called such because it can be represented by a fraction with a denominator with a power of 10.

What is changing a fraction to a percent called?

Converting a fraction to a percent.

When a fraction is changed to decimal and the remainder is zero the decimal is called?

a repeating decimal

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remander is zero what is the decimal called?

It is a terminating decimal

What term descirbes a value with no decimal or fraction?

A term for a number that has no decimal or fraction is called a whole number.

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repear. such a decimal is called a?

A repeating decimal fraction.

The process of water vapor changing to a liquid is called .?

the process of water changing into liquid is called evaporation

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called?

a terminating or recurring decimal fraction.

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is zero the decimal is called a?

a terminating decimal. got this from chacha.