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We round numbers when:

  • an approximation is needed; or
  • the numbers become too large and complicated; or
  • the removed digits make little difference to the value
  • keeping the extra digits could mean the result would be more accurate than the original figure.

This third is dependent upon the size of the number, for example:

  • talking about a national debt to the nearest pound or dollar does not make much sense as £1 or $1 is going to make little difference when the national debt is in terms of billions - it would be usual to round to the nearest hundredth of a billion (ie 2 decimal places);
  • when doing calculations with Ï€, it is often accurate enough to work with a value for pi of 3.1416 or even just 3.14
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Q: Why do we round numbers?
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When multiplying numbers with significant figures, round the final answer to match the number with the least significant figures in the original numbers.

Why in some instances it is better to round up even if the numbers suggest you should not.?

If the numbers suggest that you should not then it is not better to round.

How many numbers round to 350 to the nearest hundred?

There aren't any numbers that round to 350 to the nearest hundred.

How to round significant figures when adding numbers?

When adding numbers with different significant figures, round the final answer to match the least number of decimal places in the original numbers.

What to do when dividing compatible numbers?

you have to round

Why do you have to Round off the numbers first before you subtract?

It is not possible to answer this question because it is based on a false premise that you have to round off numbers.

Why do we sometime round up or down numbers?

Sometimes you round up or round down numbers to get close to the correct answer so that you can make sure that your answer is right. If your answer is not close to the rounding down of the numbers you are using then you need to look it over and do it again.