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Because it gives the correct answer. It's exactly the same as multiplying any side by itself twice, as l = w= h.

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Q: Why do we use lxwxh to find a cube's volume?
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What formula would you use to find volume?

lxwxh length times width times height

How do you use cubes in math regrouping?

No. you would use cubes only if you were trying to find the perimeter, area, or volume of a dimensional shape.

How do you describe a way to find how many cubes will fit in a rectangular box without building the box and filling it with cubes?

One way to find out the number of cubes that can fit inside a rectangular box is to use its volume. Knowing the volume of the cubes and that of the box can give an accurate reading of the cubes that can fit.

How can you use cubes to find the volume of a box?

With great difficulty. You can only do this if each dimension of the box is an exact multiple of the side of a cube - which is extremely unlikely. However, if that miracle happens, then you fill the box with cubes and count how many cubes it takes.

What equipment would you use to find the volume of a block of wood?

A ruler. Measure the length, width, and height. Then multiply the three of the to get the volume. Equation: V=LxWxH V=Volume L=Length W=Width H=Heigtht x=multiply Example: A block of wood has a length of 4, a height of 2, and a width of 3. What is the volume? 4x2x3=24

Why cant you use LxWxH to calculate the volume of irregularly shaped objects?

Because the L, for example, will not be the same at all points along the irregular object's W or H. And similarly with the other two measures.

What is the instrument used to measure the volume of a regular shaped object?

A graduated cylinder or beaker is typically used to measure the volume of a regular shaped object by filling it with water and measuring the change in volume. The difference in water level before and after submerging the object gives the volume.

What is the method used in getting the volume of an object?

that depends on what the object is. The simplest case is a cube where the volume is the lenght of any side (all the same) cubed. In general for a rectangular prism it is LxWXH which is length x width x height. For a cylinder it is Pi r^2h where r is the radius and h is the height. So it depends. And sometimes we do not have a formula so we can look at how much 3 dimensional space something occupies by seeing for example how much water or other less dense fluid it displaces. We can also use calculus to find volumes by approximating the object with small cube, or other shaped things and letting the size of the cubes get very very small and the number of cubes get very large. So your question has many answers depending on the situation.

How do you find the surface of the cube?

Use the information you're given, in conjunction with the properties of cubes, to find the required quantity.

What method do you use to find the volume of a circle?

circle does not have volume

How do you find the volume of a solid?

Density is calculated by taking mass of an object over volume of the liquid/substance. We can rearrange this formula to find volume of a given liquid. Density formula is usually represented as D = M/V.

What is the side length of a cube with a volume of 2744 mm3?

When dealing with cubes, we can assume that each side is equal in length. So, to solve for the volume, you would use the formula:Volume = (length of a side)3To find the length of a side of a cube, you would simply take the cube root of the volume.length of a side = cuberoot(Volume) = (Volume)(1/3) = (2744)(1/3) = 14mm