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Actually, I believe that you set out your hypothesis first. If your teacher has perhaps told you to set out your variables first, you may wish to direct her towards a reliable source of information like a textbook - all of mine explicitly say that you must first create a hypothesis to know what the variables are to be:

  1. Hypothesis
  2. Prediction
  3. Investigation
  4. Analyse the data
  5. Refine the hypothesis, if necessary

Your teacher is not wrong, but in all truth, the variables are implied by the hypothesis e.g.

You notice that the salmon have not returned to your local river this year. Your hypothesis:

The salmon have not returned due to abnormally low levels of oxygen in the water, caused by hot water ejected into the river by factories.

This implies that the variables should be:

  • Independent: the location of a sample (as you will sample the oxygen levels at different locations)
  • Dependant: the concentration of oxygen in the water at these locations
  • Controlled variables: Time of day, time of year.

Therefore, I do not understand how you can possibly define the variables without first defining the hypothesis. Surely it is only possible this way.

The only exception would be if you are blindly going about a random experiment. For example, you have been given 20 cm2 of HCl in concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 mol/dm3 and an excess of NaOH, 0.1 mol/dm3. You have a conical flask, a funnel and a burette (like a long thin cylinder of glass, with a controllable output, whereby you can determine exactly how much of the solution you are adding; similar, but more accurate, than a pipette). What do you do?

You say, I am going to titrate this acid and this alkali by measuring the amount of the alkali (the NaOH) which I add to the acid (the HCl) to neutralise it. You do the experiment, collect the data, and present it perhaps in a graph. I won't explain the experiment to you, as it may only confuse you.

In this case, you have some meaningless results. You attempt to solve this problem by making a conclusion and saying 'By increasing the concentration of the acid, more alkali is needed to neutralise it.'. Having said this, you will then have conducted an experiment without a hypothesis at all. However, from here, you may create a hypothesis to further the meaning of the experiment so that in future, the experiment can be carried out again, but with different parameters. Your hypothesis may be 'The greater the concentration of any acid, the greater the volume of an alkali needed to neutralise it.' Whereby you would carry the same experiment out, but with different acids etc.. The ultimate effect of the experiment is that you have blindly done one without a hypothesis.

You cannot base the hypothesis on anything other than an observation you have made (like the fact that light is reflected by shiny objects, for example). From the hypothesis, you can derive what the variables, including the control variables will be for the experiment.

I hope this answers your question.

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Q: Why do you need to know the Independent and Dependent Variables before you make your hypothesis?
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What are the dependent and independent variables in a fruit and nut chocolate bar?

Your question isn't valid because you need an experimental procedure in place before you determine the variables.

What is it called when the independent variable comes before the dependent variable?

An antecedent variable is one that comes before the dependent variable. They stand by themselves, thus are independent.

What is an independent variable and example?

Independent variables are values that can be changed in a given model or equation. They provide the "input" which is modified by the model to change the "output."A scientist studies how many days people can eat soup until they get sick. The independent variable is the number of days of consuming soup. The dependent variable is the onset of illness.The independent variable is what causes the results.

Is the domain dependent or independent?

domain is independent why? because its before range or also known as x/domain and y/range(x,y).

Why is it important to look at a scatter plot prior to starting a simple linear regression?

To see if there is a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The relationship may not be linear but of a higher degree polynomial, exponential, logarithmic etc. In that case the variable(s) may need to be transformed before carrying out a regression. It is also important to check that the data are homoscedastic, that is to say, the error (variance) remains the same across the values that the independent variable takes. If not, a transformation may be appropriate before starting a simple linear regression.

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What are the dependent and independent variables in a fruit and nut chocolate bar?

Your question isn't valid because you need an experimental procedure in place before you determine the variables.

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To eliminate confounding variables, or variables that were not controlled and damaged the validity of the experiment by affecting the dependent and independent variable, the experimenter should plan ahead. They should run many checks before actually running an experiment.

What is it called when the independent variable comes before the dependent variable?

An antecedent variable is one that comes before the dependent variable. They stand by themselves, thus are independent.

What is an independent variable and dependent variable?

An independent variable is a variable that is intentionally manipulated or changed by the researcher in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that is measured or observed to see how it responds to the changes made to the independent variable.

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"Before" is a subordinating conjunction that introduces a dependent clause. It is used to show the relationship between the dependent clause and the independent clause in a sentence.

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In an experiment usually variables are controlled except for the independent variable. This one variable is changed and the dependent variable is read or observed. It becomes very hard to determine the effect of the independent variable if two variables are allowed to change and dependent variable observed because there is no way of easily determining the effect of the independent variable.When scientists are checking the impact of drugs or a social initiative on humans they will say "all other factors like age, gender, income etc have been eliminated/ adjusted/ controlled" except for this one factor ie the social initiative eg the effect on reading ability of teenagers of teaching children to know their letters before school age or the effect of marijuana use on income etc.

Is the domain dependent or independent?

domain is independent why? because its before range or also known as x/domain and y/range(x,y).

What is an independent variable and example?

Independent variables are values that can be changed in a given model or equation. They provide the "input" which is modified by the model to change the "output."A scientist studies how many days people can eat soup until they get sick. The independent variable is the number of days of consuming soup. The dependent variable is the onset of illness.The independent variable is what causes the results.

How many variables can a scientist change in an experiment?

Anything that can be changed in any way is a variable. so,,,,,an infinite number. Day, time, heat, light, humidity, speed, what you ate for dinner the Wednesday before you go shopping. So, quite literally, an infinite number. Hope this helps.

What is the dependent and independent variable of shooting a slingshot?

The independent variable is the amount of force you apply to the sling shot when you pull it back and then release, because no other variables have any effect on it. The dependent variable is the distance the projectile travels, because the amount of force you apply to the slingshot determines how far the projectile flies through the air before it hits the ground. The more force you apply to the sling shot, the farther the projectile goes.

Is cooking oil a dependent or independent variable?

Well, it depends on your experiment. If you're adjusting the amount of cooking oil before an experiment, it's an independent variable. If you're calculating how much there is after the experiment, it would be a dependent variable.