Because, say you were doing a science experiment that involved ,say, temperature, if the temperature started decreasing in a pattern it would be good to know the rule and predict how low it would be in x amount of time? This can also be applied to many situations.
I am in 7th grade and I am learning pre-algebra but in my school we learn a grade ahead so I think its not normal for people to learn pre-algebra in 7th grade, but its possible.
The grade during which kids learn algebra varies. My first-grade grandson was learning pre-algebra in kindergarten.
I think it's fun.
A friend used this phrase. I think she meant Boolean Algebra.
Yes. Definitely.
6th grade is usually pre-algebra and the basic introduction to algebra.
Learning arithmetic.
I am in 7th grade and I am learning pre-algebra but in my school we learn a grade ahead so I think its not normal for people to learn pre-algebra in 7th grade, but its possible.
The Algebra II answer key for Learning Odyssey is not available online. It appears you can obtain the answer key through the teachers edition.
It depends on what the school prefers. I would think that 9th graders in a school for kids with learning disabilities normally learn Pre-Algebra, or Algebra 1. For a 9th grade class in a mainstream school, I would think that most 9th graders would learn Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, or Trigonometry. I would think that Trigonometry is mostly for gifted 9th graders.
I found it very enjoyable.
Please state what kind of learning that we are weakest? Weakest learning in what? If you meant it on the weakest learning in Subject then my weakest learning is my Algebra and calculus.
The grade during which kids learn algebra varies. My first-grade grandson was learning pre-algebra in kindergarten.
Computer programming is somewhat useful in learning the distance formula in Algebra 1. Learning the distance formula has more to do with your ability at mathmetics and you want to learn.
I'm in 7th grade And I started algebra in 6th grade. Is that what your looking for??
That I think is mostly an opinion. I think though that Algebra Buster is better.