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Q: Why does kilogram of stand take up much less space then a kilogram of feathers?
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Why does a kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram?

A kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram of feathers because sand is denser than feathers. Density refers to how much mass is contained in a given volume. Since sand particles are heavier and more compact than feathers, they occupy less space for the same mass.

Why does a kilogram of sand take up less space than a kilogram of feathers?

because sand is smaller than feathers and it would take up as much space with the sand , and if the feathers were there it would take up more space because its and larger object than the sand .

Why does a kilogram of sand take up less space then a kilogram of feathers?

i dont know if this is correct butt, i think mass, because , mass is considered as matter half the time, and a feathers kilograms take up less space than sands. this is because of the width of the object or substance? no promises but i think this is rightt <333

Why does 1kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1kg of feathers?

One kilogram of lead is denser than one kilogram of feathers, so it takes up less space. This makes it easier to carry the lead compared to the same weight of feathers, which would occupy much more volume and be more cumbersome.

Would the volume of 1 kilogram of feathers have the same volume of 1 kilogram of gold?

No, 1 kilogram of feathers would take up more volume than 1 kilogram of gold. This is because feathers have a much lower density than gold, meaning they are less compact and take up more space for the same mass.

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

Sand is denser than feathers. Since a given volume of a denser material has more mass than the same volume of a less dense material, when you make the masses the same, the volumes must vary.

How much does one kilogram of feathers weigh in water?

In water, the weight of one kilogram of feathers would be slightly less than one kilogram due to the buoyant force acting on the feathers. This is because the feathers displace an amount of water equal to their weight, reducing the net force acting on them.

Which weighs more a kilogram of lead or feathers?

A kilogram of lead weighs the same as a kilogram of feathers. The difference lies in the volume and density of the materials - lead being much denser than feathers, so it would take up much less space than the feathers.

Why do bricks take up less space than feathers equaling the same weight as the bricks?

Bricks have more density whereas feathers have less comparatively. Space occupied ie volume = mass/ density. So space occupied is inversely related to the density. Hence feathers occupy more space than the bricks.

Why does a kilogram of mercury weigh more than a kilogram of water?

A kilogram of mercury and a kilogram of water both weigh the same - 1 kilogram. However, mercury is more dense than water, so a kilogram of mercury takes up less space than a kilogram of water. This can give the impression that the kilogram of mercury is heavier, but in reality, they have the same weight.

Why would 1 kilogram of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1 kilogram of feathers?

Because of its' mass density. The lead would be much smaller in size.

What takes up more space-a kilogram of sawdust or a kilogram of iron?

A kilogram of sawdust takes up more space than a kilogram of iron because sawdust is less dense than iron. Sawdust consists of small particles that have a lot of air space between them, while iron is much denser and occupies less volume for the same mass.