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Water molecules attract each other; energy is required to overcome that attraction. In other words, the change of phase implies a change in potential energy.

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Q: Why does it take 80 calories to convert 1 gram of water to 1 gram of steam?
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If you have a liter of water at 50 degrees celsius sea level You heat the water so that you apply 100000 calories About how much of the water will boil Express your answer in grams?

To raise 1000 grams of water from 50 to 100 degrees requires 50 degrees x 1000 grams of heat, so the answer is 50,000 calories. Water at 100 degrees requires an additional 550 calories to convert 1 gram fully into steam. Therefore the remaining 50,000 calories can convert 50,000/550 grams into steam. So 90.9 grams become steam, and that's the answer.

How many calories are needed to change 1 gram of 100 degrees Celsius boiling water to 100 degrees Celsius steam?

This is the latent heat of vaporisation of water, which at standard pressure, is 539 calories (per gram).

How to convert protein to calories?

This information is easy to find. It's on every nutrition information label (as least in the US). 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories 1 gram of protein = 4 calories 1 gram of fat = 9 calories

How do you convert 117 grams of fat into calories?

1 gram of fat = 9 calories

How many calories are given up by one gram of 100 degree Celsius steam that condense to 100 degrees Celsius water?

540 cal

What is the mass of steam at 100degreecelcius required to heat 1kg of ice until it boils?

Assume the ice is at 0°C so we just need the energy to bring it from solid to liquid (79.8 calories/gram). Then 100 calories/gram to go from 0°C to 100°C. Then 540 calories/gram to vaporize to steam. Since there are 1000 grams, we can just add up the energy is 719800 calories. If we assume that as long as the steam loses less than 540 calories/gram, then it will remain as steam (and remain at 100°C) then take (719800 calories) divided by (540 calories/gram) to figure how many grams of steam (at 100°C) we need, which is 1333 grams (or 1.333 kg). If, instead, you say that just getting up to 100°C and it just starts to boil is good enough, then you will find that 333 grams (0.333 kg) is enough.

How many calories are needed to vaporize 1 gram of boiling water at 100 degrees?

To vaporize 1 gram of boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius, it would require approximately 2260 joules, which is equivalent to about 0.54 calories. This energy is needed to break the intermolecular bonds holding water molecules together, allowing them to escape into the gas phase.

The latent heat of vaporization of ethanol is 200 calories gram. This means that?

about 200 calories of heat must be added to 1 gram of ethanol to convert it from a liquid to a gas

The number of grams of ice that can be melted by 1 g of 100 c steam is?

To determine the number of grams of ice melted by 1 g of 100°C steam, we use the heat equation: q = mcΔT, where q is the heat transferred, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature change. The heat required to melt ice (heat of fusion) is 334 J/g, so for 1 g of steam, it can melt 1g/334 J = 0.003 g of ice.

What is the heat of vaporization value of water?

The heat of vaporization of water is approximately 2260 J/g at a temperature of 100°C. This means that it takes 2260 Joules of energy to convert 1 gram of liquid water into vapor at its boiling point.

How many calories are required to evaporate 1 gram of boiling water?

It requires approximately 540 calories to evaporate 1 gram of boiling water.

Convert 60 gm of protein to calories?

60 grams of protein is equal to 240 calories, since 1 gram of protein = 4 calories.