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The sun radiates in all directions, towards the earth, away from the earth, at right angles to the earth and so on. It radiates roughly equally in all these directions.

Suppose you could draw a sphere with the sun as its centre and radius = average distance between the earth and the sun (1 astronomical unit). Then the amount of incident energy is proportional to the area of cross section of the earth relative to the surface area of the sphere.

Now, mean earth-sun distance = 1 AU = 149,597,871 km

So surface area of sphere = 4*pi*r2 = 2.813*1017 km2

Radius of earth = 6371 km

Cross-sectional area of earth = 1.275*108 km2

So the earth occupies 1.275*108 /2.813*1017 of the surface area of the sphere and therefore receives 1.275*108 /2.813*1017 of the sun's energy output.

= 4.5*10-10 or approximately one half of one billionths.

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Q: Why does only a tiny fraction fraction of the total energy released by the sun reaches earth?
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What percentage of the energy radiated by the sun reaches earthes surface?

Of the Sun's energy reaching Earth's atmosphere, just under 60% reaches the Earth's surface. Only a small fraction of the Sun's energy reaches Earth, of course. In fact it's only about 0.000000045 percent. So, the answer to the question is: about 0.000000025 percent.

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It reaches earth as an electromagnetic wave.

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The energy that reaches the Earth from the sun is known as sunlight.

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The Sun's energy is given out mainly as "electromagnetic radiation". Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Heat is the main form the Sun's energy has when it reaches Earth, particularly the Earth's surface.

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The sun's energy reaches the Earth as solar radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves, primarily in the form of visible light and infrared radiation.

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Energy from the sun travels to the earth's surface is brought here by electromagnetic radiation. Once the radiation reaches the planet, most of it is converted to heat.

How much of the Sun's energy reaches the earth and why?

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