No. If your remainder is greater than your divisor that means you haven't finished dividing as much as you can yet. For example, if you divide 100 by 10 and get 9 with a remainder of 10, that means that you can still divide once more to find the final answer of 10.
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Because if the remainder is greater, then you could "fit" another divisor value into it. if they are equal, then you can divide it easily. Thus, the remainder is always lower than the divisor.
The remainder is less than the divisor because if the remainder was greater than the divisor, you have the wrong quotient. In other words, you should increase your quotient until your remainder is less than your divisor!
The problem would not end
If the remained was bigger than the divisor than the divisor could still be taken out of the remainder
A negative number or any number that is greater than or equal to 7.