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Q: Why does water cool faster in he first five minutes than during the last five minutes?
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What is faster sand or water?

During movement water is faster than sand and during cooling sand is faster than water.

Why was it better to travel by water during the revolutionary war?

It was faster.

How do you make your nails grow in 5 minutes?

You can't but if you soak them in water they will grow a little faster.

What is the primary danger during the first 3-5 mins immersed in cold water?

How cold? You can get hypothermia in 50-80 degree water. Are you asking about 32 degree water? Shock in five minutes or so. Your expected life expectancy is about 15 minutes. If its really cold you'll be dead in 3-5 minutes.

Which evaporates faster sugar water or alcohol?

Alcohol evaporates faster than sugar water due to its lower boiling point. Alcohol molecules have weaker intermolecular forces, allowing them to escape into the air more easily compared to the larger and more complex sugar molecules in sugar water.

Why does hot water cool quicker in the first 5 minutes?

This is because of newtons law of cooling, the rate that the water cools is proportional to the difference between the temperature of the water and the temperature of the surroundings. So, as the water is hotter it cools faster, as it cools down the rate of cooling decreases.

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Which evaporates faster faucet water or fruit punch?

Faucet water evaporate first.

Why does plain water boil faster than water with salt in it?

salt has to break down first

Will hot or cold water make sugar dissolve faster?

Hot water will make sugar dissolve faster compared to cold water because the increased temperature causes the sugar molecules to move more rapidly and interact with the water molecules more effectively.

Which breezes form during the day when the land heats up faster then water?

Sea breezes form during the day when the land heats up faster than the water. The warm air over the land rises, creating lower pressure, and the cooler air from the water rushes inland to replace it. This cycle of warm air rising and cooler air moving in creates the characteristic sea breeze.

Which freezes first hot cold or salt water?

Salt water freezes before plain water because the presence of salt lowers the freezing point of the water. Cold water will freeze faster than hot water because the molecules in the cold water have less kinetic energy and are more likely to form solid ice structures.