Somebody decided centuries ago to use that (arbitrary) symbol to represent this number.
- 1/2 or -5/10
five billion is 5,000,000,000
Ten lakh is written out numerically as 10,00,000.
6,597.2 is how six thousand five hundred ninety seven and two tenths is written numerically.
- 1/2 or -5/10
five billion is 5,000,000,000
Numerically it is written as: 4,000.95.
1500 or sometimes it is written as 1,500.
Ten lakh is written out numerically as 10,00,000.
Five point five. Numerically, that's 5.5.
6,597.2 is how six thousand five hundred ninety seven and two tenths is written numerically.
A core is not a number and so cannot be written numerically. A crore, on the other hand, is 10,000,000
Expressed numerically, 20 + (80 - 5) = 95
Numbers 10 and less can be written numerically, e.g. 5 is written as 5. Numbers greater than 10 should be spelled out so 49 should be written as forty-nine.