The reason is because their are so many people hunting them for the skin,food, and other things.
56 decreased by 4 is 52.
19 decreased by 6 is 13.
Six decreased by 62% = 2.28
Directly proportional
25 decreased by 19 percent is 20.25
More than there were prior to when they decreased. At least seventeen.
Yes i decreased
Pollution, wild fires, and more threaten leopards. In addition: Depletion of their habitat makes the leopards stray into human settlements and the humans then kill the leopards. Poaching of leopards for their skins and body parts also threatens leopards. Leopards also depend upon prey whose numbers are low or declining.
Yes. Snow leopards number around 5500, while the polar bear numbers around 25000, and is considered vulnerable, not endangered.
A group of leopards is called a leap or a prowl. Leopards, however, are mainly solitary creatures.A leapA group of leopards is called a leap (or lepe).
When a number is decreased by another number subtraction is the mathematical process used. When a number is increased by another number the user added numbers together.
Spotted leopards do, but other leopards don't - such as black leopards.
Panthers and other leopards
On average, leopards are responsible for a few human fatalities per year. However, specific numbers vary widely and are influenced by factors such as human population growth, habitat destruction, and human-leopard conflict.
yes the Barbary leopards is the only leopards in Maghreb region.
Can leopards be tamed
The collective nouns for leopards are:a leap of leopards (also spelled 'leep' or 'lepe')a keep of leopards.