113 - T20, 13, D20
113 is a prime number. Its only factors are 1 and 113.
No, it is rational.
113 in percentage is 11300%.
It is rational. It is rational. It is rational. It is rational.
Any decimal that terminates or repeats is a rational number; as 0.113113113.... repeats the digits "113" it is a rational number. 0.113113113... = 113/999 (in fraction form).
No, 113/115 is a rational number.
If you mean to continue the pattern indefinitely, adding more digits, and one more "1" in every cycle, then it is NOT rational. In the case of a rational number, the EXACT SAME group of digits has to repeat over and over (perhaps after some other, initial, digits), for example:0.45113113113113113... Here, the group of digits "113" repeats over and over, so the number is rational.
A rational number is one that is the ratio of two integers, like 3/4 or 355/113. An irrational number can't be expressed as the ratio of any two integers, and examples are the square root of 2, and pi. Between any two rational numbers there is an irrational number, and between any two irrational numbers there is a rational number.
113% = 113/100113% = 113/100113% = 113/100113% = 113/100
3.141592654 pi = circumference (C) / diameter (d) You could use the rational approximation 22/7 To be more precise 355/113
The positive integer factors of 113 are: 1, 113
-113 and +113
The factors of 113 are: 1 and 113.
They are: 1*113 = 113
The only factor pair of 113 is 1 x 113, since 113 is prime.