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business strategies are influenced by human resource strategies as well as

having influence on them. Thus, the process of achieving vertical integration is a little like trying to

decide which comes first ,the theoretical approach suggests drawing up a

matrix where each of the elements of human resource management (structure, resourcing, human

resource development, performance management, reward and employee relations) are matched

against each business strategy in order to identify which of the human resource strategies are

associated which various elements of business strategy. In reality, business strategies might not be so

clearly defined or may be 'emerging',

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8mo ago

Vertical integration is not easy to accomplish because it involves the merging or acquisition of companies in different stages of the supply chain. This requires significant financial resources and managerial expertise to successfully integrate and manage multiple business functions. Additionally, vertical integration can also lead to increased complexity and risk, as companies may face challenges in coordinating different operations and adapting to different industry dynamics.

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What is forward integration and backward integration?

Forward integrationBackward integrationA business strategy that involves a form of vertical integration whereby activities are expanded to include control of the direct distribution of its productsA form of vertical integration that involves the purchase of suppliers in order to reduce dependency.

What is an example for vertical integration would be?

Vertical intergration is where a company moves down the chain of distribution for example Thomas Cook is a tour operator and then it became a travel agents as well

Vertical horizontal integration?

Determine the primary benefits that might be sought by consumers of the following products (a) Tooth paste

What is the difference between vertical coordination and vertical integration?

Vertical coordination: The process of ensuring that each successive stage in the production, processing, and marketing of a product is appropriately managed and interrelated to the next, so that decisions about what to produce, and how much, are communicated as efficiently as possible from the consumer to the producer. Agricultural economists believe that vertical coordination of markets is particularly important in the food industry because of its complexity, the large number of firms that participate in one or more stages, and the relative perishability of the products involved. Vertical integration is a type of vertical coordination, but the latter does not necessarily require that a single organization own or control all of the stages. For example, the use of contracts and marketing agreements between buyers and sellers, and the availability of timely, accurate price and other market information are methods for achieving vertical coordination.

What does it mean when something is described as easy peasy?

Something that is described as "easy peasy" is something that is very easy to accomplish. For example, some might think it's "easy peasy" to do 10 pushups.

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Define backward and forward integration?

backward integration is a form of vertical integration in which firm's control of its inputs or supplies. forward integration is a form of vertical integration in which firm's control of its distribution.

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Who Developed vertical integration for his steel company?

The idea of vertical integration was introduced by Andrew Carnegie.

What is the difference between virtual integration and vertical integration?

Virtual Integration is to have control on the departments or businesses in the chain without owning them.where, Vertical Integration is like owning the departments or businesses in the chain.

What is a vertical mill?

A vertical mill is the same as an vertical integration mill. It is built vertical, not horizontal.

Can you give me a sentence using the word vertical integration?

A company may buy out it's supplier in a form of vertical integration.

What is vertical integration and why is it helpful to corporations?

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When did vertical integration began?


What are horizontal and vertical intergration?

Vertical Integration is owning a section of a business and horizontal integration is owning all businesses in a certain field.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of backwards vertical integration?

An advantage of backwards vertical integration would be that the profit of the supplier is absorbed by the expanded business.

What is forward vertical integration?

Forward integration is when a business integrates with a firm it sells to.