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Select any set of values for x. For each one calculate the value of y for which the equation is true. If you plot these points on the x-y plane, they will all lie on a straight line. [The word "linear" refers to line.]

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Q: Why is a degree one polynomial equation ax plus by plus c equals 0 called a linear equation?
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Why is a degree 1 polynomial equation ax plus by equals 0 called a linear equation?

A linear equation is one which represents a straight line. When drawn (y plotted against x), a degree 1 polynomial produces a straight line.

Why is one degree polynomial equation ax plus by plus c equals 0 called lenear equation?

Yes. This is because the rate of change is equal to a (i.e. the slope is a). a never changes, so its linear.

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The "degree" is the highest power - in this case, the 3 in 4x3 (4 times to the third power).

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For the equation: x5+7x3-30x=0 The highest exponent in the entire equation is 5 (from x5), so the equation is of degree 5.

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Equations will have an equals sign. Such as: x + 3 = 2 Polynomials will not. Such as: 2x + 3

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It is a linear equation. The highest power of x in the equation is 1 (3x1-4=12) so its "degree" is 1, and equations of "degree 1" are called linear equations.

Its y equals 4x3 plus 4x2 a quadratic equation?

Interpreting this equation as y=4x3+4x2 This is not a quadratic equation. By definition, a quadratic equation is a polynomial equation of order two, meaning it is composed only of coefficients multiplied by x's raised to any exponential power of maximum 2. The most that any of the exponents in the equation can be is 2. Since this equation has a term of 4x3, it is not quadratic since this term has an exponent of 3. This means that the equation is of degree three. This equation is a cubic equation.

What is a mathematical equation called that has no equals sign?

If it doesn't have an "equals" sign, then it's not an equation. It's an "expression".

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If p, q, r, ... are the roots of the equations, then (x-p), (x-q), (x-r), etc are the factors (and conversely).

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F(x) = 15x2 - 2.5 + 3 That's a quadratic or 2nd degree polynomial in x.

What is 15-6 equals 9?

This is called an equation....