A fraction may be more or less accurate: it depends on the context.
If measuring the length of a pencil, say, 0.2 metres (a fraction) is less accurate than 18 centimetres (an integer). So it depends on the units of measurements being used.
main fraction:22/7 most accurate fraction:355/133
355/113 = 3.141593
A caliper is more accurate.
more accurate, most accurate.
A vulgar fraction.
main fraction:22/7 most accurate fraction:355/133
the answer is Exact or accurate smaller the unit or fraction of a unit used in measuring more precise than a measurement to the nearest foot
355/113 = 3.141593
Divide the numerator by the denominator. However, not all fractions terminate, for example 1/7 = 0.1428571428571... with the 6 digits 142857 recurring. With these, an approximation to the fraction can be obtained by rounding the decimal to a number of decimal places - the more places, the more accurate the result.
A caliper is more accurate.
12/100; While yes, that is 12 hundredths as a fraction... If you wrote .12 as 12/100 on a math test, you'd be getting the problem wrong, because you didn't reduce it. 3/25 is much more accurate.
Metric units have many advantages over Imperial units but precision and accuracy are not amongst them. Precision and accuracy depends on the individual units in use. For example, A kilometre is more accurate than a mile, A furlong is more accurate than a kilometre, A metre is more accurate than a kilometre, A yard is more accurate than a metre, A foot is more accurate than a metre, An inch is more accurate than a foot, A centimetre is more accurate than an inch, A thou is more accurate than a centimetre, and so on, and on.
0.2222........ as a fraction is 2/9. As a fraction with 10, 102, 103.....and so on (positive integer powers of 10) as the denominator then the given fraction becomes increasingly accurate but still remains an approximation.
"Not as a decimal or fraction as there are an infinite number of digits." This is a common and useful answer. The *correct* answer is that PI is firstly an irrational number that cannot be calculated from any ratio (fraction). Secondly, PI is a transcendental number that, by the definition of "transcendental", cannot be exactly calculated. The nest you can do is to apply an infinite convergent series that becomes more and more accurate with more and more decimal places.
more accurate, most accurate.
Spiral can be more accurate.
The more accurate number - is 1.005 - as it is accurate to more decimal places than the other examples.