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Q: Why is a portable defibrillator a good thing?
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From where can one buy a portable defibrillator?

One can buy a portable defibrillator (AED) online and at medical supply stores. Two online retailers are Heart Start Home and American AED. Heart Start Home sell the Phillips brand AED. American AED has a selection of brands to choose from.

What is that thing called when they bring people back to life with?

Defibrillator .

What is a Packer whacker?

A Packer whacker is a portable defibrillator, a term used in Australia when Kerry Packer was fitted with one after suffering a heart attack.

What does the medical abbreviation AED mean?

AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator, which is a portable device used to deliver an electric shock to the heart to help restore normal rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest.

What is the science behind the invention of the portable defibrillator?

The defibrillator was invented by William B. Kouwenhoven in 1930. He studied the relation between the electric shocks and its effects on human heart and tested it on a dog. In 1947 Dr. Carl Beck tested the technique on a human patient and saved his life.

Do you think portable weather radios are a good thing to have?

Portable weather radios are very beneficial to have. There is no warning sometimes when bad weather strikes. You may be susceptible to losing power and the a portable battery powered weather radio can be very useful.

If portable water filters and water filters are the same thing?

yes they are the same thing its just that 1 is portable and 1 is not

What should I know about automated external defibrillators?

An automated external defibrillator is a computerized device that charts heart rhythm. This medical device is portable and could tell you if you have cardiac arrhythmias.

Are portable dance floors a good thing to have when you dont have alot of room?

Portable dance floors are a good investment especially if you don't have much room for entertainment. You also have to like dancing or doing gaming activities to make it worth your wild.

Can a defibrillator process?

No, because a defibrillator has no processor in it. All that a defibrillator does is run electricity through your heart to get it started. Now the machines that monitor your heart, they have processors, but not a defibrillator.

Are there any portable computer monitors?

LCD's are the closest thing to portable unless you just mean small.Then a small LCD is portable.

What did Northern Ireland invent?

Technically we didn't invent it, but, we built the DeLorean! Get in! Seriously though, there's, the safety lamp for miners, the modern agricultural tractor, airplane ejector seat and the portable defibrillator.