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The population loses genetic diversity

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Nicholas Mraz

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3y ago
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Q: Why is exponential growth unable to continue forever in populations?
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Why is it impossible for exponentional growth to continue forever?

It is impossible for exponential growth to continue forever for a few reasons. The population will run out of food, water, and space to live.

Unrestricted populations of organisms experience what?

exponential growth

Populations reproduce at a constant rate during this type of growth?

Exponential Growth.

When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate it is called?

When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate, it is called an exponential growth. Populations generally experience this growth under ideal conditions.

Populations of species that are r-strategists are characterized by exponential growth?

Yes and K is Logistic growth

Can exponential economic growth go on forever on a finite planet?


What is population growth called when resources are not limited?

Population growth is referred to as exponential growth when resources are not limited, as the population can continue to increase at an accelerating rate.

Can a species undergo exponential growth forever?

No. It can't even undergo linear growth forever, because it will run out of resources or space. With exponential growth, this merely happens more suddenly. "Exponential" growth refers to doublings. It follows a pattern like this: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024,

What occurs when a populations growth slows or stops following a period of exponential growth?

When a population's growth slows or stops after exponential growth, it may reach its carrying capacity. This is the maximum number of individuals that an environment can support due to limited resources. The population stabilizes and can fluctuate around this carrying capacity.

When you graph a populations exponential growth over time you will have an s-shaped graph true or false?


How does the availability of resources affect whether a population's growth is exponential or logistic?

The availability of resources affects population growth by determining if it follows an exponential or logistic growth pattern. In an environment with unlimited resources, populations can grow exponentially, doubling in size every generation. However, when resources become limited, populations reach carrying capacity and growth levels off, leading to logistic growth.

When does logistic growth occurs?

Logistic growth occurs when a population's growth slows and then stops, fallowing a period of exponential growthex; a lot of familiar plant and animal populations fallow a logestic growth curve.