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Q: Why is it acceptable to have more than one dependent varisble?
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How to be acceptable to my wife?

To be considered acceptable to your wife, all you have to do is honor the commitments that you made to her in your wedding vows. She cannot ask for more than that.

Can a parent be a legal dependent?

If you are responsible for more than 50% of their support, they are a dependent and can be claimed on your income tax as such.

Is the US more dependent than Canada?

no they are equal but Canada makes the better choices and if u see it that way then yes US is more dependent

Who can I claim as a dependent in 2018?

In 2018, you can claim a dependent if they meet certain criteria, such as being a relative, living with you for more than half the year, and not providing more than half of their own financial support.

What can you claim as a dependent on your taxes?

You can claim a dependent on your taxes if they meet certain criteria, such as being a relative, living with you for more than half the year, and not providing more than half of their own financial support.

Can I claim a dependent who is in jail as a dependent on my tax form?

It depends on the specific circumstances. Generally, you can still claim a person in jail as a dependent if you provided more than half of their financial support during the year. You'll need to meet all other IRS requirements for claiming a dependent too. It's best to consult a tax professional for advice tailored to your situation.

What regions were the most dependent on the railroad?

north has more railroads than south

Who can I claim as a dependent for the year 2017?

You can claim a dependent on your taxes for the year 2017 if they meet certain criteria, such as being a relative, living with you for more than half the year, and not providing more than half of their own financial support.

When can I claim someone as a dependent on my taxes?

You can claim someone as a dependent on your taxes if they meet certain criteria, including being a relative, living with you for more than half the year, and not providing more than half of their own financial support.

How can I remove a dependent from my taxes?

To remove a dependent from your taxes, you must ensure they do not meet the criteria to be claimed as a dependent. This includes making sure they do not live with you for more than half the year, do not provide more than half of their own financial support, and are not claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return. If they no longer meet these criteria, you can simply not include them on your tax return.