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Q: Why is it advantage pus to place the irregular shapes of am object on the frontal plane when making an oblique drawing?
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What are the different types of pictorial drawing?

Isometric, orthographic and oblique drawings.

Are Oblique lines of sight perpendicular to to the frontal projection plane?


What are the three types of pictorial drawings?

There are three types of Pictorial Drawing: Isometric Drawing Perspective Drawing Oblique Drawing

Why does the oblique type of drawing have more versatility that the axonometric?

A. There is more versatility due to the fact that the drafter shows the top and side by projecting oblique lines from a frontal orthographic view. Rather than having to turn the object being sketched to make three sides visible (axonometric).

What is the other term for a three point perspective drawing is it parallel angular oblique or general?


What are advantages and disadvantages to using an isometric pictorial compared to an oblique pictoral in technical drawing?

The advantage is that they can give an overall view of a given design The disadvantages are that it can get more cluttered

What is the angle used in oblique drawing?

30 Degrees

What is the difference between iso and oblique drawing?

Isometric Drawing: keeps the scale the same along each axis of the drawing, use mostly in engineering. Oblique Drawing: is a type of parallel projection of an object to give it a sort of 3D effect on paper, a much simpler form of drawing.

Should you show all hidden lines in an oblique drawing?


What is Oblique drawing?

Oblique drawings are designed to show a three dimensional view of an object. It is a kind of a drawing that shows one face of the object in true shape, but the other faces on a distorted angle. Oblique is not really a '3D' system but a 2 dimensional view of an object with 'forced depth'.

Definition of oblique drawing?

Drawing in "oblique perspective" means drawing in a way the has a slanted perspective to show multiple sides often seen in eastern artwroks of antiquity. This differs from orthographic perspective (IE silhouettes) which were used in many classical Greeks and Roman artworks and point-perspective (IE 20th Century Fox logo) which was popular during the renaissance and after in the west.

What are the different steps in making the oblique drawing?

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