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Q: Why is it important for such a large sample of pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?
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Why was it important to Mendel to study such a large sample of pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?

Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING

Who used probablility and mathematics to predict offspring?

The first person known to have used probability and mathematics to predict offspring was Gregor Mendel. In the mid-1800s, Mendel studied the inheritance of seven characteristics in pea plants, in which each characteristic had only two forms, e.g., white or purple flowers, round or wrinkled seeds, and tall or short stems. Through these studies, he developed three laws of heredity; the law of segregation, the law of independent assortment, and the law of dominance. The chromosome theory of inheritance, developed in the early 1900s, explains the mechanism underlying the laws of Mendelian inheritance.

Why was it important for Mendol to count large numbers of plants?

Counting large numbers of plants was important for Mendel because it allowed him to observe patterns and ratios in the inheritance of traits. By analyzing a large sample size, he was able to establish the fundamental principles of genetics, such as the segregation and independent assortment of alleles. This laid the foundation for our understanding of heredity and paved the way for future research in the field.

How could the principle of probability be used to predict the results of genetic crosses?

In genetical experiments the principle of probability is used to predict the results at !% and 5% probability levels. If a particular character appears in 95 plants out of 100, it is considered as a significant character to be inherited. For reaching more accuracy it may be tested at 1% level.

How are the principles of probability used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses?

Whenever Mendel performed a cross with pea plants, he carefully categorized and counted the many offspring. Every time Mendel repeated a particular cross, obtained similar results. For example, whenever Mendel crossed two plants that were hybrid for stem height (Tt), about three fourths of the resulting plants were tall and about one fourth were short. Mendel realized that the principles of probability could be used to explain the results of genetic crosses.

Related questions

Why did Mendel study such a large sample of pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?

The more samples you use, the closer your results will match probability.

Why was it important for Mendel to study such a large sample pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?

Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING

Why was it important to Mendel to study such a large sample of pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?

Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING

Why was it important for Mendel such a large sample of peas plants to determined the probability of inheritance?

Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING

The scientist who utilized pea plants to conclude that factors determine inheritance was?

Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk and biologist, is the scientist who utilized pea plants to investigate the patterns of inheritance. Through his experiments, he discovered the basic principles of heredity, establishing the foundation for modern genetics.

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He is known as the father of genetics. He crossed pea plants to determine the patterns of inheritance for certain traits.

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