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The more samples you use, the closer your results will match probability.

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Q: Why did Mendel study such a large sample of pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?
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Why was it important for Mendel to study such a large sample pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?

Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING

Why was it important to Mendel to study such a large sample of pea plants to determine the probability of inheritance?

Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING

The scientist who utilized pea plants to conclude that factors determine inheritance was?

Gregor Mendel

What is Mendel known for?

He is known as the father of genetics. He crossed pea plants to determine the patterns of inheritance for certain traits.

The theory of inheritance was first proposed by an Austrian monk named?

Gregor Mendel is the father of genetics.He found the inheritance using pea plants.

Why was it important for Mendel such a large sample of peas plants to determined the probability of inheritance?

Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING

When did mendel study to help him understand inheritance?

Pea Plants

Mendel become famous for his study of?

Inheritance of pea plants. He is the father of genetics.

Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study?

The Inheritance of Traits

What was the aim of Gregor Mendel?

The aim of Gregor Mendel was to prove the laws of inheritance through his experiments with the breeding of pea plants.

Gregor Mendel is studied because he what?

Gregor Mendel is studied because he used to pea plants to discover gene inheritance.

Mendel used pea plants to investigate?

Mendel observed the characteristics of pea plants which were passed to new generations of pea plants from the parent plants to reveal the nature of genetic inheritance.