When learning money,there will be decimals
it is important for us to learn to a decimal as a fraction because if you don't understand the way you write it in decimals you can change it into a fraction to understand it properly
Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
its important to round decimals because when you have money and its 5.35 you would round it to 5.40 because its over 5 or it is 5 so ur rounding it to the next tenth or hundredth.
It is important because depending on the problem it is easier to use fractions or decimals. Sometimes the problem is asking for an exact answer, in which case you would keep it in fraction form.
When learning money,there will be decimals
it is important for us to learn to a decimal as a fraction because if you don't understand the way you write it in decimals you can change it into a fraction to understand it properly
You can learn more about converting decimals into fractions by taking math classes. You can also learn more about converting decimals into fractions on various websites like MathisFun and WebMath.
3rd. Adding Decimals 5th - Adding and subtracting 6th - Dividing Decimals
School, or a tutor or related things.
All! Learn decimals
Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
In 6th Grade, you learn how to Multiply and Divide Fractions and Decimals. And learn square roots, the Powers of Ten.
One can get help on decimals in a few different ways. They can 1) Seek a tutor online or in person 2) Go to youtube and learn decimals or 3) Go on the internet and find website that break down the lessons so it is easier to understand where decimals come from and how they work.
its important to round decimals because when you have money and its 5.35 you would round it to 5.40 because its over 5 or it is 5 so ur rounding it to the next tenth or hundredth.
why is it important to learn about polygons
It is important because depending on the problem it is easier to use fractions or decimals. Sometimes the problem is asking for an exact answer, in which case you would keep it in fraction form.